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Bank Payments


  • PFAC Provider Supports Bank Payments
  • Merchant enabled for Bank Payments


  1. Create a Payment Intent with payment method type bank as an acceptable payment method. Default is card only.
  2. Using Payment Elements SDK launch the payment form.
    • You will need to client secret from the payment intent to initialize the payment form.
  3. Listen for events on the payment form for the success creation of a payment method.
  4. Call the API to create a payment for the payment intent with the payment method id.

Step 1: Create a Payment Intent

curl -X POST "https://<api-host>/payment_intents" \
-H "x-account-id: acct_12345678" \
-H "x-api-key: key_123456789" \
-d '{
"amount": 1000,
"payment_method_types": ["bank","card"],

Step 2: Initialize Payment Form and Mount it On Your Page

Use the onSucess callback to send the payment method id to your server to create a payment for the payment intent.

// <script>
const paymentElement = await window.Forward.createPaymentElement({
apiKey: 'pk_123948342832',
clientSecret: 'pi_123948342832_secret_123948342832'

const unmountPaymentElement = paymentElement.mount('#payment-form', {
onSuccess: async ({ token }) => {
// Send token to your server to process payment
// Resolve promise or throw error
onError: (error) => {

Example Payment Form

Bank Element